kali ni adalah respon kepada blog adik saya yang dengan berbesar hati telah menge"tag" nama saya dalam permainan menge"tag" blog.
You've been tagged by Haidhar 1. Name one person who made you laughs last night?? Alfaraby19 2. What were you doing 1 hour ago? “stido” ( study + tido) 3. What was the last thing u said out loud? Sorry, I’m a soft-spoken person! 4. Where's the next place you're going to? Jannah 5. What was the last thing you paid for? Lunch saya dibayar oleh Sohibus Samahah Hanif Nasaruddin 6. Where were you last night? halaqoh 7. What is the best ice cream flavor? durian 8. Do you want to cut your hair? I wish so 9. Do you love to “melatah”? I don’t love it but it happens by accident 10. If that so (melatah), what will you said out loud? Should I put it here? 11. What does the last text-msg received say? “You have insufficient balance to make this call” 12. Will you get married in the future? In the future? can I make it as soon as possible? 13. Do u chew on your straw? I don’t use straw to drink...straight away from the glass 14. Do you make-up your own words? Necessarily, if it was not me who else 15. Is there anyone you like/love right now? Next question please! 16.Tag to other 5 bloggers/more Sorry tak mau dah main tag-tag orang ni, saya nak berentikan contagious virus ni |